An energy label shows you at one glance the energy efficiency of an appliance. That is, compared to other appliances with the same functionality. “A” is a high efficiency. (we now also have A+, A++, etc).
The EU energy label is obligatory for many appliances. However, this is not yet the case for Refrigerated Display Cabinets (RDC’s).
Therefore we developed a voluntary energy label for RDC’s already back in 1999. This voluntary RDC energy label is in use for BREEAM. Additionally, the Eurovent Certification scheme uses the label.
You can check the energy label for your RDC by yourself. For that, you will need some basic info such as the total energy consumption (TEC) and the total display area (TDA), To help you in determining the energy label of your RDC, Saint Trofee provides a number of documents:
- Voluntary Energy label for RDC’s (conference paper)
- Determine the energy label for your RDC (quick guide)
- The meaning of TEC/TDA values (pdf)
- RDC classification (pdf)
- TDA measurement and calculation (pdf)
The Eurovent Certification scheme for RDC’s makes use of the energy label. This energy label shows the energy efficiency of the RDC’s in their scheme. You can find additional information on the Eurovent website.